Technical Committee

Gerald G. (Gerry) Carlson, PhD, P Eng

Gerry Carlson's career has spanned four decades of precious and base metal exploration throughout the Americas, but focused on Yukon and northern British Columbia. His career has included independent consulting assignments and management of exploration programs for both junior and major mining companies. He is a past President of AMEBC (formerly the British Columbia and Yukon Chamber of Mines). He is a recipient of the SEG's Ralph Marsden Award for distinguished service and CIM's J.C. Sproule Award for the advancement of geology and mineral exploration in the Yukon.

Danette Schwab, P.Geo

Ms. Schwab is a Professional Geoscientist registered in British Columbia. She obtained a Bachelor of Science degree (Earth Science) from Simon Fraser University in 2001. Ms. Schwab has 18 years of experience in mining and mineral exploration and is the Chair of the Vancouver Mining Exploration Group (Vancouver MEG). Previously, she was a Senior Exploration Geologist for Brixton Metals, NovaCopper and Fronteer Gold (acquired by Newmont for $2.3B in 2011), Project Manager for Riverside Resources and Project Geologist for NovaGold and Balmoral Resources. Ms. Schwab has experience exploring for a number of deposit types, including porphyry copper-gold, Carlin-style gold, sediment-hosted copper, orogenic gold, epithermal gold and VMS.

Craig Hart, PhD

Dr. Hart is currently the Director of MDRU-Mineral Deposit Research Unit at The University of British Columbia (UBC) where he initiates and facilitates a wide range of mineral exploration industry-sponsored research projects focused on gold and porphyry systems, regional metallogeny and exploration methods, and trains graduate students to excel in the mineral exploration industry. He was previously a Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for Exploration Targeting at the University of Western Australia (UWA) in Perth, Australia where he pursued research on the gold metallogeny of China and Mongolia. Most of his early career was with the Yukon Geological Survey where he undertook regional mapping and metallogenic evaluations in the northern Cordillera. As a UBC faculty member since 2009, he has contributed the training and successful completion of more than 40 MSc and PhD students, and 20 Post-Doctoral Fellows and Research Associates. He was awarded the Boldy Award in 2005 by the Geological Association of Canada for best presentation, was the 2010 Society of Exploration Geologists Distinguished Lecturer, and was the winner of the Audience Choice Award and a top 5 finisher of the Integra Gold Rush Challenge in 2016.

Jim Logan, M.Sc., P.Geo.

Jim is an expert on the geology of British Columbia’s porphyry copper deposits, having worked in the BC Ministry of Energy and Mines, where he carried out regional mapping and mineral deposit studies in northwest BC (Stikine and Iskut rivers Cu-Au porphyry belt), central BC (Quesnel Cu-Mo and Cu-Au porphyry belt), and southeast BC (Bayonne Au, Mo-W intrusion-related mineralized belt). After retiring from the BC Geological Survey in 2015, he started his own consulting business. Jim is a Professional Geoscientist registered in the Province of British Columbia and a fellow of the Society of Economic Geologists. Jim obtained a B.Sc. degree from Brock University in 1977 and a M.Sc. degree from the University of British Columbia in 1986.

Dan Core, PhD

Dan is Principal Geophysicist/ Geologist of Fathom Geophysics, a firm he co-founded in 2008, specializing in geophysical and geoscience data processing and targeting services for the minerals and petroleum exploration industries, from the regional scale through to the near-mine deposit scale. Prior to forming Fathom, Dan spent a three-and-a-half-year stint in targeting roles with Geoinformatics Exploration, where he worked on the Company’s Kliyul project and other porphyry targets in the area. He has also held internships with Conoco, Kennecott Exploration and ExxonMobil. He has carried out field work in Chile, Mexico, Australia, the United States and Canada. Dan holds a PhD in geology from the University of Michigan. During his doctoral research he undertook project work with geologists from (then) Billiton, Teck, Phelps Dodge, Asarco, Kennecott, and Codelco. His undergraduate degree covers the fields of geology and mathematics.

Bruce Youngman

Bruce Youngman has over thirty-five years of experience in the minerals industry. From 2008 to 2010, he was President and COO of Canplats Resources Corporation, during which time the Camino Rojo gold deposit in Mexico was outlined and the company acquired by Goldcorp Inc. for $300 million. Mr. Youngman previously held senior positions with Northern Dynasty Minerals Ltd., including President, Vice-President and Director, and was closely involved in the acquisition and expansion of the Pebble Gold-Copper Porphyry Project in Alaska. Mr. Youngman graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in geology from the University of British Columbia.

Gary Baschuk

Gary is the Managing Director, Mining & Senior Geologist at PearTree Securities and has over 30 years of industry experience as a mining analyst/geologist. He has spent the past 16 years in capital markets and over 20 years in the mining industry. Gary's analytical focus has been on small to mid-sized exploration, development and production precious metals companies. Industrial experience, all with Barrick Gold, ranged from early-stage exploration across northern Ontario, Manitoba and Quebec plus development and production on two mines - Holt-McDermott in northern Ontario and Rodeo/Griffin (part of the Meikle Mine at the Goldstrike Mine Complex) in Nevada. In addition, on behalf of Barrick, Gary managed an exploration company in Spain. Gary holds a BSc, Geology Specialist Degree from the University of Toronto, is a Fellow of the Geological Association of Canada, and a member of the Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada.



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