About RDP
Owned 100% by Pacific Ridge, RDP is located 40 km west of the Company’s flagship Kliyul. RDP is over 10,000 hectares in size and lies within the Stikine Terrane, which is host to numerous significant porphyry deposits in northern British Columbia, including Kemess, Red Chris, Kerr-Sulphurets and Galore Creek. From 2022-2024, RDP was under option to Antofagasta Minerals S.A., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Antofagasta PLC (ANTO: LSE).
RDP contains several porphyry copper-gold targets (Roy, Day, Porcupine, and Bird - see Figure 1), that have been explored intermittently since the early 1970’s, including prospecting and mapping, various geochemical surveys, ground and airborne geophysical surveys, trenching and a limited amount of drilling. The Project is underlain by lower Hazelton Group volcanic and sedimentary rocks (Lower Jurassic) of andesitic and dacitic composition and the Gyr rhyolite porphyry; and by Late Triassic to Early Jurassic plutonic rocks including the Fir gabbro and Roy plutonic suite with porphyritic plugs, sills, and stocks of monzodiorite composition.
Figure 1
RDP Target Areas
Day Target
Mineralization at Day includes pyrite, magnetite, chalcopyrite, minor molybdenite, and local bornite as disseminations, sheeted veins and vein stockworks in diorite and adjacent altered volcaniclastic rocks. Historical drilling includes 2,472 m in 19 drill holes. Drill highlights include 0.67% Cu and 0.93 g/t Au over 58.8 m (drill hole D-74-1) and 0.54% Cu and 0.69 g/t Au over 57 m (drill hole C-92-1)( see news release dated May 4, 2021).
Roy Target
Mineralization at Roy consists of a quartz-magnetite-chalcopyrite stringer stockwork within a monzonite intrusion. Trench sampling in 1990 encountered 0.121% Cu and 0.55 g/t Au over 62 m within an 80 m trench. Shallow diamond drilling programs have been completed at Roy, but results are incomplete or unavailable except for drill hole EQ-11-01. This hole was drilled in 2011, the last time RDP was explored, and returned 0.11% Cu and 0.64 g/t Au over 122.95 m (see news release dated May 4, 2021).
Porcupine Target
Discovered in 1972, the Porcupine target, was explored as a stratabound massive sulphide target. Float samples assayed as high as 17.2% Cu and 0.19% Cu with 7.98 g/t Au (see news release dated May 4, 2021). Four holes drilled in 1972 returned sporadic results. More recent evaluation of the alteration and soil geochemistry at Porcupine suggests it is epithermal in nature and possibly related to an underlying porphyry system.
Bird Target
The historical Bird Target, located between Roy and Porcupine target areas, about 1.8 km west-southwest of Roy, was reassessed with mapping and prospecting. A nearby mineral occurrence with several percent chalcopyrite, quartz-chalcopyrite vein stockwork and potassic alteration (K-feldspar, magnetite), was identified in a topographic low where porphyry dykes intrude prospective (subaqueous type) volcaniclastic host rocks.
RDP Highlights
Located in B.C.’s Golden Horseshoe at the southern end of the Toodoggone District in northcentral British Columbia, a prolific area for porphyry copper-gold exploration: Past-producing Kemess (2.975 Moz of gold and 749 Mlbs of copper produced from 1998-20111), Kemess Underground (Measured and Indicated mineral resource containing 2.265 Moz gold and 779 Mlbs copper2), and Amarc Resources Ltd. recent high-grade porphyry copper-gold-silver discovery at AuRORA on their Joy project (drill hole JP-24-074 returned 108 m of 2.59% CuEq within 162 m of 1.90% CuEq3).
Five diamond drill holes, totaling 1,392 m, were completed at the Day target (“Day”) in 2022 with drill hole RDP-22-005 returning 107.2 m of 1.39% CuEq4 or 2.06 g/t AuEq5 (0.63% copper, 1.10 g/t gold, and 2.91 g/t silver) within 497.2 m of 0.66% CuEq or 0.97 g/t AuEq (0.37% copper, 0.40 g/t gold, and 1.60 g/t silver)
This was one of the highest-grade porphyry copper-gold intervals reported in B.C. in 2022.
Only two drill holes, totaling 987 m, were completed at Day in 2023. Drill hole RDP-23-007 was collared 330 metres northwest of RDP-22-005 and intersected 19.0 m of 0.45% CuEq or 0.67 g/t AuEq (0.32% copper, 0.19 g/t gold, and 1.08 g/t silver) at the bottom of the hole, which supports Pacific Ridge’s interpretation of a tabular porphyry system with a steeply north-dipping pipe vectoring towards a larger porphyry source at depth.
Pacific Ridge doesn't believe that the 2023 drill program adequately tested this interpretation.
Targeting the porphyry source at Day will be the focus of the 2025 RDP drill program.
1Witte, A., Bostwick, C., Skrecky, G., Bent, H., Jakubec, J., Volk, J., Major, K., and Corpuz, P., 2013. NI 43-101 technical report for the Kemess Underground project, British Columbia, Canada: Prepared by SRK Consulting (Canada) Inc. for AuRico Gold Inc., 249 p.
4CuEq = ((Cu%) x $Cu x 22.0462) + (Au(g/t) x AuR/CuR x $Au x 0.032151) + (Ag(g/t) x AgR/CuR x $Ag x 0.032151)) / ($Cu x 22.0462).
5AuEq = ((Au(g/t) x $Au x 0.032151) + ((Cu%) x CuR/AuR x $Cu x 22.0462) + (Ag(g/t) x AgR/CuR x $Ag x 0.032151)) / ($Au x 0.032151).
Commodity prices: $Cu = US$3.25/lb, $Au = US$1,800/oz., and Ag = US$20.00/oz.
There has been no metallurgical testing on RDP mineralization. The Company estimates copper recoveries (CuR) of 84%, gold recoveries (AuR) of 70%, and silver recoveries (AgR) of 65% based on the average recoveries from KUG, Mount Milligan, and Red Chris.
Factors: 22.0462 = Cu% to lbs per tonne, 0.032151 = Au g/t to troy oz per tonne, and 0.032151 = Ag g/t to troy oz per tonne.