Ripsey West

  • Ripsey West is over 2,161 hectares in size (comprising 36 unpatented federal lode mining claims and eight Arizona state leases) and is located 23 km south of the Ray Mine in Arizona. The principal target at Ripsey West is a high-grade Laramide porphyry copper system. An ENE-trending target area measures ~3.5 x 1.5 km and has potential for both hypogene mineralization and supergene enrichment.

    The Ripsey West exploration model is for a porphyry copper system that’s been episodically faulted and tilted 90° eastward and buried under alluvial cover in a half graben basin. The porphyry target area lies between a 2-km-long ENE-trending stock-shaped magnetic low feature in the west thought to be associated with a Laramide pluton, and a magnetic high feature in the east demarking the faulted basin edge.  A zone of QSP alteration and D-veins associated with ENE-trending Laramide porphyry dykes extends for 900 m east outside the basin margin, and base metal mineralization and veins in historical drilling continue for ~2 km. These provide a vector towards a porphyry core in the west under the post-mineral alluvium.

    Ripsey West Location


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